Get in touch with the bears


Home Ground

The Glasshouse Playing Fields, BA2 5BX

Archived Weekend 8th-9th February

There are lots of ways that you can contact us and to get involved with the Bears. Sign up to our newsletter, follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and look at the range of BFCC branded clothing we have available. You can also check out the latest events, or find out about upcoming games to watch.

Interested in joining Bear Flat CC? Fill in the form and we’ll get back to you via email ASAP!

Club Officials

Bear Flat is lucky to have a dedicated and hard-working management committee to provide support for on and off field activities. The committee meets monthly throughout the year, and discusses finance, communications, field and equipment needs, social events, commercial needs, and regularly reviews club documentation such as the three year development plan.

If you have any suggestions for items needing to be discussed by the committee, or would like to get more involved in the club behind the scenes, please contact one of the management committee who would be pleased to discuss this with you.

Chairman – John Carter – email:

Treasurer – Simon Cox – email:

Secretary/Comms Officer – Fi Isaacs – email:

Safeguarding Officer – Richard Bahador – email: